Sep 28, 2010

101 Fundamentals in the Art of Winning (Ebook)

101 Fundamentals in the Art of Winning

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101 Fundamentals in the Art of Winning
by Datuk Seri Panglima Hassan Alban Sandukong

Ideas contained in this book are proven success, attitudes, skills, knowledge and habits of successful people. Practice them daily and you will be happy healthy and wealthy.

Aug 19, 2009

Self Confidence

Self Confidence: It is a trust in your ability to act and achieve your goal.

As you grow older you lose your Self Confidence because of Fear: Fear of failure, Fear of rejection and Fear of being ridicule. Yes, Fear is the greatest enemy of your success. We gain Self Confidence by eliminating ‘Fear’. Action plus knowledge conquer Fear: Do it now!
  • Actions that can generate Self Confidence:
  • Be a front seater
  • Speak people
  • Walk 20% faster
  • Smile
  • Maintain eye-contact
  • Dress for success
  • Speak up during Toastmasters meeting
  • Always say: Please and thank you
  • Catch people doing the right thing: Praise people
  • Be a servant leader
  • Always use positive words while speaking to friends: Excellent, Happy and Good
  • Get around Nourishing people and run away from Toxic people.

Believe you can and you’ll succeed!

Creating Credibility

What is credibility? Simply put: It is peoples’ trust in us and trust is the foundation of all human relationships.

Followers love leaders they trust; Children love their father who show trustworthiness and Banks lend money to borrowers they like and trust.

How can we Create Credibility in ourselves?

Remember: You have to earn Credibility. Other people control your reputation, but you control what you do to create credibility.
  • Show up on time: Help people save time
  • Keep your promises: Your word is your bond
  • Do what you say you will do: Walk your talk
  • Deliver more than you promise: Actions speak louder than words
  • Live by the Golden Rule: You can have everything in life you want by helping other people get what they want.
With credibility, you earn your legacy: You leave this world better than you find it.

Rumi: When we are dead, seek not our tomb in the earth, but find it in the hearts of men.

Yes, Credibility creates a lasting success for you and me.

Disiplin Diri

Disiplin ialah penghubung di antara impian dengan pencapaian: Kemampuan memaksa diri kita berusaha untuk mencapai cita-cita kita.

Disiplin bermula dengan: Apakah cita-cita anda – Ingin menjadi orang apa? Ingin memiliki apa?

Tumpuan kita: Utamakan yang utama.

Bidang disiplin diri merangkumi:
  • Bertanggungjawab tentang apa yang anda fikir, cakap dan buat. Arahkan fikiran, percakapan dan tindakan untuk mencapai cita-cita.

  • Hubungan dengan orang lain: Ingat – Sayangi rakan seperti anda menyayangi diri.

  • Belajar sepanjang hayat untuk memperkasakan diri anda: Tingkatkan kesihatan, Eratkan hubungan dengan rakan, Tingkatkan kemahiran berfikir dan Tingkatkan kerohanian.

Disiplin diri ialah kunci kejayaan, kebahagian dan kekayaan diri
anda. Buat keputusan: Amalkanlah Disiplin Diri sekarang!